A Germantown Community Radio Partner
WRLG-LP provides programs that educate and inform the community and reflect our mission of, inclusiveness and social justice. Our programs include:
The Science of Everything (Thursdays 1 pm, Fridays 2 pm)
Host James Fodor is an Australian academic who created this series to convey rigorous science to a popular audience in an engaging manner. Each episode focuses on a single topic, outlining key scientific concepts and findings. He tackles such subjects as theories about how life arose from conditions on early earth and how the universe developed.
The Rick Smith Show (Thursdays 2 pm, Saturdays 12 pm)The Rick Smith Show is a progressive labor program from Central Pennsylvania. Each week Rick interviews state and local leaders as well as ordinary working people who discuss state and local politics and national issues from the perspective of working people. Each episode also includes important stories from labor history about struggles and hard-won victories.
Artists Roundtable – the Creative Voice of Germantown (Fridays 1 pm, Saturdays 2 pm)
Paula Paul and her production team create this series introduced by Jimmy Clark that explores the cultural richness of Germantown. She weaves together such diverse strands as the music of world-class musicians like Monette Sudler the poetry of Philadelphia’s Poet Laureate Yolanda Wisher, commentary by gallery owners Renny Molenaar and Rocio Cabello and insights of music producer Jim Hamilton.
Game Wisdom (Thursdays 12 am, Fridays 3 pm)
Josh Bycer turned his passion for gaming into a series of interviews with people from all over the world who develop videogames. They discuss how ideas for games develop, how audiences react to aspects of games and the realities of producing and distributing their work.
Vanessa’s Money Hour (Alternate Thursdays 3 pm and Saturdays 1 pm LIVE!)
Vanessa’s Money Hour is a talk show about personal finance and wealth building. For more than 20 years, host Vanessa Lowe, has been teaching about and working to support access to capital for all. She reviews her top tools for financial success and interviews guests involved in the asset building ecosystem.
Its Our Money with Ellen Brown (Alternate Thursdays 3 pm and Saturdays 1 pm)
Author Ellen Brown reintroduced the idea of public banking motivated by the 2008 economic crisis and the Occupy Wall Street movement. In this series, she interviews leading economists and discusses ideas currently being explored and implemented in over 20 states to provide local economic control.
Contact the Radio Committee at Germantown Life Enrichment Center with comments
or suggestions or if you wish to volunteer by emailingcmbille@aol.com.